Let’s get this out of the way up front:

Lady Gaga vs Depeche Mode “Silence the Paparazzi” (Download)


Lady Gaga vs Human League “Don’t You Want Romance” (Download)


I’ve had vocal stems for several Lady Gaga songs gathering virtual dust on my PC for years. I recently suffered (ie: inflicted) a serious RAID crash, losing a decent number of files and projects with it. I spent a long time away from the PC as a result. Facing the loss was depressing (on top of everything else that was happening in The Year That Sucked The Most), so I avoided restoring from an old back-up and starting over. It took a chance conversation on Twitter to get me to recover what was left and move on:

This was hugely important for me. Not because it sounded good or worked (because it really, REALLY didn’t work), but it made me get back onto the PC and get on with making stuff. I decided to go back to basics and see what I could work with that I had left over from the crash. That’s when I started playing with the Gaga stems.

Long story short, it’s been a productive weekend. Yeah, the Gaga tracks are old and busted and overused. Hell, the Bad Romance/Don’t You Want Me mashup has been done before. Many times. But it felt great to be poking at details, tweaking levels, and nudging samples around again. I’m looking forward to whatever my idiot brain comes up with next.


I may update this with the usual write-up later, but for now I need to step away from All Gaga, All The Time weekend and focus on other things for a bit. That Gaga/DM mashup is pretty sweet tho, if I do say so. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for listening.